HTC Vive Development
Development date - October 2016 / December 2016
What is Virtuaropolis?
Virtuaropolis is a virtual reality game created completely by myself in under 3 months. It is a town building game that uses real time to build houses and earn coins. It is made for the HTC Vive.
Saving and Loading:
Saving and reloading the game is very important for a game like Virtuaropolis. The reason being the user is able to completely exit and close the game down, yet when they return their buildings will have continued to build, as well as earning money whilst being away. The game saves by writing multiple classes to a file, such as the player stats like coins, level etc. As well as the positions of each building, the state, level, built amount etc. When the user re loads their world, it then reads all the saved date and applies that information into the world